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How & Why You Should Use The Emotional Guidance Scale

We've all heard the constant mantra from the Gurus, telling us that if we want to improve our lives we have to think positively. And they're right. But, do you know why they're right and exactly how to do it?

Probably not. And let's face it, it's so not helpful when you're struggling and miserable and someone says to you, "Just stay positive." Stay positive? What?! How am I supposed to do that? Therein lies the problem. They never bother to tell you how. Let alone why that would help. They may not even know themselves. It's just something people say. But there really is some logic behind it.

Think about it. When you're feeling positive, relaxed and happy, everything just seems to go much more smoothly. Even the majority of obstacles seem more like a minor nuisance than a big deal. The opposite is also true. When you're experiencing more negative emotions, everything seems so much worse. The obstacles seem to pile up and bury you.

I think we can all agree that life is just easier and much more pleasant when we're in a positive frame of mind. So how do you get, let alone "stay" positive? Enter "The Emotional Guidance Scale."

The scale is a list of human emotions ranging from joy to fear and powerlessness. The genius is that you can use this scale to become more positive and more empowered. The more positive and empowered you become, the less struggle you seem to encounter and the happier you are. Sounds awesome right? Who doesn't want to be happier, after all!

So, how does it work? Let's say you're currently at the bottom of the scale, feeling afraid and powerless. At this point, just about any emotion is going to feel better than that, right? Insecurity would feel better than feeling powerless. Anger would feel better than fear. Why? Because anger is a motivating emotion. Powerlessness and fear are immobilizing emotions. So, if you can stir yourself to anger with a thought like "I hate feeling powerless and afraid! It's just not fair!", then you can also get to the feeling of discouragement. Which feels at least a little better than anger and a lot better than powerlessness and fear.

The key is to keep reaching for better feeling thoughts and then hold onto those thoughts until you can reach for an even better one. Now, you probably won't have a huge shift all at once. But as long as you keep at it, you will get there. If you slip, look at the scale and decide what emotion you could opt for that's better than how you feel right now. I know it sounds crazy. But I promise you, it really does work.

As you get in the habit of using this, you'll notice that it just becomes natural to you. The minute you have a negative thought about something, you'll also find yourself immediately altering that thought to a more positive one. That more positive thought will make you feel at least a little bit better instantly.

The real magic is that your life will become better, too. Maybe not in the blink of an eye, but it will get better. Why? Because when you're not drowning in those negative emotions, you're thinking more clearly, you're looking for solutions and becoming aware and open to new possibilities and opportunities. Which in turn, improves your circumstances and thus your life. Brilliant, right?

Now go start using this scale and "stay positive." You'll begin to feel so much better when you do!

The scale is from the book "Ask And It Is Given" by Esther & Jerry Hicks. Feel free to copy and print it. And please let me know how it goes for you or if you have any questions.

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